TREECELL Delight Eleven Body Wash
TREECELL Delight Eleven Body Wash
TREECELL Delight Eleven Body Wash

TREECELL Delight Eleven Body Wash

Regular price€22.00
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The Midday Care Treecell Delight Eleven Body Wash gently envelops the body in a delightful fragrance and lingers for a long time as a light trail. The product gently cleanses the skin of accumulated sweat, dirt, and also exfoliates dead cells. As a result, the skin becomes saturated with oxygen and blood circulation improves.

The gel has a moisturizing effect on the skin, nourishes the cells, relieves fatigue, provides a feeling of freshness, bliss, and improves mood and sleep.

Helps to soften rough, hardened areas of the skin and to dissolve scars. Fights cellulite, makes stretch marks less noticeable, reduces sweating. Soothes sensitive epidermis, alleviates inflammation.

Method of application:
A small amount of the product is lathered in the palms and applied to the body with massage movements. Thoroughly rinse with water.

Volume: 300ml/50ml

Вода, натриевая соль олефинсульфоната C14-16, лаурил бетаин, глицерин, натрий хлорид, пропиленгликоль ларат, ароматизатор, гексадецен, тетрадекен, каприлгликоль, лимонная кислота, этилгексилглицерин, динатриевая соль ЭДТА, лаурилглюкозид, пироктоновый оламин, 1, 2-гександиол, гликолипиды, ниацинамид, полиглицерил-10 ларат, экстракт листьев сапонарии обыкновенной, экстракт ячменя, натриевая цитрат, церамида NP, дипропиленгликоль, гидрогенизированный лецитин, глицерил стеарат, холестерин, церамида AS, церамида AP, церамида NS, церамида EOP

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