Jayjun PHAming Fresh Pore Serum
Jayjun PHAming Fresh Pore Serum
Jayjun PHAming Fresh Pore Serum

Jayjun PHAming Fresh Pore Serum

Regular price€22.00
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 PHAming Fresh Pore Serum to refresh and simultaneously moisturize skin helps to narrow pores and reduce sebum production. The serum gently and delicately exfoliates dead skin cells, while preventing dryness, tightness, or flaking, thanks to its active ingredients.

The product eliminates dull complexion, provides skin radiance and an even tone, helps to eliminate closed pores and blackheads. Regulates the work of sebaceous glands, soothes, strengthens the skin barrier, does not irritate the skin, intensely moisturizes.

Active ingredients:

  • Panthenol has healing, anti-inflammatory, restorative, moisture-retaining, and smoothing effects.
  • PHA acid (gluconolactone) has a larger molecule than other AHA acids, which is why it penetrates the skin more slowly and does not cause irritation, gently exfoliates, moisturizes, and quickly restores the skin, has a lifting effect, excellent antioxidant properties, and anti-acne action.
  • Rose oil softens and moisturizes the skin, alleviates inflammation and irritation, has wound-healing and antimicrobial properties, participates in the formation of complete collagen, normalizes intracellular metabolism, prevents the accumulation of aging enzymes in the skin, boosts skin immunity, and slows down the aging processes.
  • Tea tree extract quickly dries and heals inflammation, evens out the texture and tone of the skin. Has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfecting, antiviral, and soothing properties.
  • Cactus extract opuntia has anti-aging and regenerating effects, softens the skin.
  • Geranium oil moisturizes, brightens, and evens out the complexion. It tones and stimulates the growth of new cells. Smooths out small facial wrinkles.
  • Hyaluronic acid accelerates regenerative processes in the skin, maintains optimal moisture levels in the dermis, and halts collagen breakdown. Has antiviral, bactericidal, and wound-healing properties.
  • Centella extract stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, actively slows down the aging process, neutralizes dryness and flaking, moisturizes, normalizes the skin's hydrolipid balance, soothes, and relieves irritation. It has an anti-couperose effect.

Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive conditions. Recommended for oily, combination, problem skin; for dull skin or with enlarged pores.

Method of application: apply a few drops of serum to cleansed and toned skin, gently spread over the skin, apply cream.

Volume: 50ml


Полная вода (аква), дипропиленгликоль, 1,2-гександиол, глицерет-26, полиглицерил-10 ларат, этилгексилглицерин, ксантановая камедь, пантенол, бутиленгликоль, глицерин, масло цветков розы, ксилитилглюкозид, ангиоксилит, масло листьев мелалеуки альтернифолии (чайное дерево), диэтилгексил натриевый сулфосукцинат, масло цветков пеларгонии гравеоленс, ксилит, экстракт центеллы азиатской, пропандиол, глюконолактон, экстракт листьев камелии синенсис, кроссполимер натриевого гиалуроната, глюкоза, гидролизованные гликозаминогликаны, экстракт плодов опунции кактусовой, натриевый гиалуронат, вода цветков розы дамасской, бензилгликоль, экстракт хоуккунии кордаты, гидролизованная гиалуроновая кислота, гиалуроновая кислота, малиновый кетон, дисодиум ЭДТА.

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