Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Serum: Ginseng+Retinal

Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Serum: Ginseng+Retinal

Regular price€22.00
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Liposomal rejuvenating eye serum Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Serum: Ginseng+Retinal has pronounced restorative and strengthening properties. Effectively works to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, helps to get rid of dark circles and puffiness, and has a strong antioxidant effect. 

Stimulates cellular metabolism processes and collagen fiber synthesis to strengthen and increase tissue density. Helps to reduce the depth of facial wrinkles and smooths out crow's feet. Gently brightens, eliminates dullness, restoring tone and freshness to the skin.

Liposomal technology allows for the stabilization of such a capricious component as retinal. Improves the penetration of the active ingredient deep into the epidermal cells and increases its absorbability, while not provoking the appearance of irritations. Suitable for a first introduction to vitamin A.

Active ingredients:

  • 10% ginseng root extract is rich in saponins for deep and quality hydration of the epidermis. Boosts immunity, restores health and youth. Stimulates blood circulation, improves complexion, refreshes and rejuvenates. Protects cells from destruction, strengthens and tightens
  • 0.02% liposomal retinal initiates an intense renewal process, provides elasticity, densifies, strengthens the extracellular matrix, normalizes the hydrolipid balance, increases collagen production, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and manifestations of acne.
  • Adenosine stimulates collagen synthesis, increases elasticity and density, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  • SYN-COLL (palmitoyl tripeptide-5) — a powerful anti-aging complex that actively stimulates collagen synthesis and prevents its breakdown. Improves turgor, reduces the depth of pronounced mimic and age wrinkles, smooths the relief and tightens.
  • Cocoa bean extract has a tonic and anti-edema effect. Has antioxidant properties, accelerates healing and skin regeneration.
  • Macadamia seed oil softens and nourishes, restores the skin, and has antioxidant properties.

Suitable for mature skin care.

Volume: 30ml 

Application method:

apply the necessary amount of the product with light tapping movements around the eye area. 


Вода, экстракт корня женьшеня панакс, глицерин, дипропиленгликоль, каприловые/каприновые триглицериды, 1,2-гександиол, тетраэтилгексаноат пентаэритрита, ниацинамид, дикарпилат/дикарпрат бутиленгликоля, цетиловый спирт, сорбитан оливата, цетиловый оливат, бутиленгликоль, гидрогенизированный лецитин, трометамин, карбомер, глицерил стеарат, масло семян макадамии тернифолии, аденозин, экстракт какао (theobroma cacao), декстрин, холестерин, полиглицерил-10 олеат, ретинал, стеролы рапса (brassica campestris), фитостерил/бегенил/октилдодецил лауроил глутамат, диоксид кремния, гиалуронат натрия, токоферол, стеарат алюминия/магния, фосфат цетила, тетра-ди-т-бутил гидроксигидроксикоричный эфир пентаэритрита, церамид np, пальмитоилтрипептид-5, динатриевая соль ЭДТА, этилгексилглицерин

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