d'Alba White Truffle Waterfull Sleeping Mask

d'Alba White Truffle Waterfull Sleeping Mask

Regular price€3.00
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The D'ALBA WATERFULL SLEEPING PACK mask in a convenient and compact sachet format is designed for intensive skin hydration before sleep, its quality restoration, and the return of natural radiance and elasticity. The mask delights with a pleasant gel consistency, absorbs very quickly without stickiness and greasiness.

One mask treatment is enough for excellent skin hydration and restoration of its water-lipid balance, so that in the morning the skin delights with smoothness and a healthy, toned appearance. The complex of moisturizing and natural nourishing components heals the skin at the cellular level, initiating regeneration processes.

Active components of the face mask:

  • The extract of Italian white truffle serves as a rich natural source of essential vitamins, mineral salts, and amino acids that are beneficial for skin health. Smooths wrinkles, tightens, increases the tone of the epidermis, brightens, protects against negative effects.
  • Hyaluronic acid replenishes the lack of moisture in the skin, prevents it from drying out and peeling, gives elasticity, softens, and smooths.
  • Adenosine enhances the production of its own collagen, reduces the depth and number of wrinkles, smooths the texture, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and lightens areas with pigmentation and post-acne.
  • Peppermint extract helps with inflammation and irritation, saturates the skin with oxygen, refreshes, improves complexion, and smooths out uneven texture.
  • Sea buckthorn extract nourishes with vitamins C and E in high concentration. Helps restore the skin, making it firm and well-toned.
  • Baobab extract is effective for problem skin. Nourishes with fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D, E, F. Stops age-related changes, brightens, smooths, and reduces inflammation.
  • Lemon extract acts as a powerful antioxidant, stimulates metabolic processes, activates the production of its own collagen, increases elasticity, brightens, refreshes, normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, and improves the condition of problem skin.
  • Propolis extract has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antioxidant effects. Strengthens skin immunity.
  • Lemon balm extract nourishes with valuable acids and flavonoids. Relieves irritation, soothes areas of hypersensitivity, tones tired skin.
  • Goat milk extract saturates the epidermis with special lactoferments and vitamins for restoring elasticity, enhancing cellular metabolism, and lightening pigmentation.

The mask leaves behind a pleasant softness and a feeling of maximum freshness

Method of application: Open the sachet and apply the product evenly on clean skin. In the morning, rinse with warm water.

Volume: 4ml


Вода, циклопентасилоксан, бутиленгликоль, глицерин, гидроксиэтилмочевина, бетаин, диметикон, 1,2-гександиол, аммоний акриламида/вп сополимер, каприлгликоль, акрилаты/c10-30 алкил акрилат кроссполимер, экстракт плодов иллициума верума (анис), полиакрилат-13, трометамин, аденозин, полиизобутен, гиалуронат натрия, дисодий ЭДТА, кроссполимер гидроксиэтил акрилата/натрия акриламида, трегалоза, ксантановая камедь, полисорбат 20, сорбитан изостеарат, спирт, гидроксипропилтримоний гиалуронат, экстракт плодов облепихи, экстракт семян адансонии дигитаты, экстракт мальвы лесной, экстракт листьев мяты перечной, экстракт тысячелистника, гидролизованный гиалуроновая кислота, экстракт примулы весенней, ацетилированный гиалуронат натрия, экстракт листьев мелиссы лекарственной, экстракт вероники лекарственной, экстракт алкемиллы обыкновенной, экстракт винцетоксикума, гиалуроновая кислота, экстракт трюфелей, экстракт листьев орегано, экстракт корня полигалы тонколистной, экстракт меда, экстракт мяты зеленой, экстракт прополиса, экстракт мелиссы лекарственной, гидролизованный натрий гиалуронат, экстракт сигесбекии восточной, экстракт листьев ромашки аптечной, гидроксид натрия, экстракт молочного белка, кроссполимер гиалуроната натрия, экстракт козьего молока, этилгексилглицерин, гиалуронат калия, ароматизатор, гексилциннамаль.

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